★佐々木智広・作・演出「Death of a Samurai」またもや、エジンバラで上演決定!!
■公演名 A-lights公演『Death of a Samurai』
We are going to play at Edinburgh Festival Fringe2010. Five star sell-out show 2009,"Death of a Samurai" returns to Ddinburgh! Shakespeare meets Japanese manga. Exciting combination of theatre and dance. A must-see for theatre fans! "Completely immersed in this joyously colourful spectacle"★★★★★(Fest)
Augustine's/41 GeorgeIV Bridge
Aug 9-30(not 16,23) 19:45(1h)
[PV]AUG 7-8 20:45(1h) £10.00(£5.00)
★AFRO13 10th. Live「ライカンスロープ」DVD初回販売開始しました(08.7.26)